Saturday, September 6, 2014

On Your Mark, Get Set… GO!


    I am sure you have heard that whenever a race is about to start; like in a running race. So, today topic is about RUNNING. To many of us think running is a tiring activity and it not the most fun way to workout. However, running has tons of positive health benefit for our body that we aren’t even aware of. Maybe this blog about running health benefit might change your mind…

Running is a…

   Stress is one of the biggest causes to many disorders in our bodies. Stress can increase risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and other heart diseases. Everything around makes us stressed and sometimes our responsibilities is too heavy to bear. Family problem, school, jobs, failures, our future consumes our minds. We have to remember that these stresses can cloud our mind and will keep us from thinking positively. That’s why running is such a nice way to relieve our stress. Running will improve your mood and it makes you more energetic.

    According to Center for Disease Control 600,000 people in the United Stated died of heart disease. The heart of woman is very vulnerable. If you think about it women has a lot of things to deal with. If you are young girls like me, we don’t have the experience of worrying about children yet. But think about other women who are married, like our moms. They have to worry about their jobs, their family, their friends, their kids, etc. That’s why running is one of the best ways to protect our heart. Running can lower your cholesterols, improves your blood pressure and decrease your change of heart attack.


    Running is a great source of fats burner. If your body goal is a lean tone body, running help you lose body fats. That’s why runner bodies look leaner. Start running! Running also help maintain weight.  However, it is important to know that your body needs fats too. Fats stores energy and it is a cushion for our body’s organs. Running is for shedding only unnecessary body fats.


    Now if you are like me who doesn’t have a lot of money for gym membership, running is a good way to stay fit.  You don’t even have to spend money to buy a treadmill. Just lace up your sneakers, go outside and start running. (I only suggest you use treadmill if you are a busy person and have an office jobs). Since the beginning of time our ancestor has been running to hunt and even their mail man was runners. So get out there use you’re running instinct and save your money.

    So join with me on the journey of running….! If you have any info on how running benefits us or if you have story of how running already improved your body, comment below or comment on our instagram page @independentgirlny…
                                                                                                                   Just keep running!


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